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I grew up in Bristol, England. Photography was always within me, but it took a chance conversation in work for me to realise it was a passion I wanted to take further.


Even at school, I would be the one with a camera in my hand, capturing fun times and saving memories of the world around me; there was no skill in mind, just the enjoyment of freezing a moment in time.


Through the years this passion continued, then one day in work, I was asked by a colleague ‘if you could do any job or be anything, what would it be?’ without think I replied ‘wildlife photographer’. That was it, I went home that day and started to become, what I always wanted to be without knowing it. I had no knowledge of photography or camera equipment, I took courses to teach me the basics, I bought my first ‘proper’ camera and I have developed everything else from there, with practice and patience.


My father is a successful artist and growing up I would see his work and this is where I developed my eye for setting up an image and its colours. This now comes through in my photography. I love to capture images that are striking and catch your attention.


Each day I want to capture a moment, that will welcome you into my world and where you will leave with a smile having seen it. My love for photography continues to grow and I find true peace being behind the lens, it's who I am down to the last pixel. ​

I am pleased and extremely honored to say that I had one of my images in the Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition which ran from the 10 June -12 August 2019.

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